The Courage to Try

In November of 2023, I shared a story series on Instagram about Heritage Month at the Druze Hall in Edmonton. During that series, I vowed that I wouldn’t just bet on what others or even I might consider a “winning horse.” Instead, I decided to bet on myself. You can check out those stories in my highlights. I didn’t say it in those exact words, but that was the essence of my message.

Shortly after, I decided I wanted to run as a candidate for the NDP. I didn’t know how or where to begin, but something inside me said I should do it. If my father or even my grandfather, whom I never met, were here, they might remind me of a lesson I wrote about in my book: sometimes the most courageous act in our lives is also the most terrifying.

At first, I was scared, but that fear soon gave way to determination.

After that event, I connected with an amazing person who worked alongside the NDP. She introduced me to a team that helped me put together a candidate package.

Months went by without any news, and I began to doubt myself. Maybe they passed me up. Maybe I wasn’t smart enough. Maybe I was too broke. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Then, on December 31, 2023, I woke up from a vivid dream, and there it was in my inbox: the candidate package. Fear gripped me for about a month before I finally filled it out. What was that fear? The fear of putting myself out there? The fear of losing?

But then came the courage. The courage to try—something I wrote about in my book. The courage to do something in your life that you never thought possible. For some, the journey might be an easy ride, but for others, it takes every ounce of energy, time, and determination they can muster.

So here I am, running against a colleague to determine who will be the nominee for the NDP in Edmonton Manning.

In my wildest dreams, I never imagined I would reach this point.

Now, let’s rewind a bit. Months prior, I was offered a very lucrative six-figure job back in the automotive industry—my old stomping grounds. It came to me on a silver platter, out of the blue. It felt like the universe was testing me, and I said no because I hadn’t yet finished my book. Writing that book was something I was driven to do.

Turning down that job meant I wouldn’t be rescued financially. I’m no stranger to financial success or failure as an entrepreneur since the age of 22, and even before then, considering I grew up in a family business. I know what it’s like to make it all, lose it, and somehow make it back.

As I wrote in the chapter “Who Am I” in my book, I am what I would want people to say about me around my casket. And what I want them to say is that I had the courage to try.

I had the courage to create a life vision for myself, my family, my community, and maybe even for my constituency.

OK, fast forward back to November 2023—I was a member of the Conservative Party, but then I met Jagmeet Singh. I finally felt that I found a party and a leader that this country sorely needs right now, right here.

If you’ve read my other blog posts about pragmatism and unity, you will understand when I say now is the time for the NDP and Jagmeet, who is not beholden to corporate interests but to the Canadian people. A leader who knows what it’s like to have nothing and fight for everything. I gave him a copy of my book, which I don’t know if he ever read, but it was my way of saying, “I’m with you. I get it.”

Now, to round it all out, if you’ve read my book or previous blogs, you know the story about the kite. So for me, I’m letting go of that string and letting the wind take me where I’m meant to be. Sometimes letting go is the greatest act of courage.

“Who's to say where the wind will take you?
Who's to say what it is will break you?
I don't know where the wind will blow…”

- U2, “Kite”

Thank you for reading, and I hope to count on your support. Click Here to visit the campaign page and sign up to become a member to vote for me in the nomination contest.

Love always,



Gaza. Lebanon. JIM. AND ME.


My Politik. And Jims.