Finding Happiness Through Grief
This guest post, written by a friend from Smoky Lake, explores the journey of finding happiness amidst grief. It recounts their personal experience of losing a father to suicide, struggling with loss and mental health, and eventually finding healing and joy. The story highlights the importance of professional help and the therapeutic power of nature, offering a powerful reminder of resilience and hope in the face of sorrow.
Grief in the Glow: Navigating the Holidays Through Loss and Remembrance
In the sterile silence of his hospital room in the palliative care ward, I stood beside Bayee, Jim, his presence hanging between this world and the next. He spent the holidays here, and now, approaching mid-January 2011, he lay in a coma. The festive lights and songs of December had faded, but the weight of the holiday season lingered, its shadow extending into the new year as we grappled with the impending loss….
My Father’s Kite
The song “Kite” by U2 resonates deeply within me, reflecting the bond I share with my dad and the profound transitions in my life. Its lyrics mirror the lessons he instilled in me — the delicate balance between control and surrender, steering our destinies while embracing life’s unpredictabilities. Now, that very kite symbolizes my journey, a journey intertwined with the teachings of my father…
With ‘You’re Already Dead’ coming out soon, I thought I’d share how this book came to be. Here I am, nearly three years after writing the first page of the first idea when I thought about the title…
In the areas my father thrived in his role as a dad, I drew inspiration. Where he stumbled in fatherhood, not from intent but simply from not knowing, I saw those gaps. For my children, I’m determined to fill them.